Thursday, October 27, 2005

Bush abandons Miers Supreme Court nomination

I have to wonder if ol' G.W. didn't learn this practice from the gas companies.

You throw out a ridiculous price for gas say, $3.06.9 (Harriet Miers) after just a few short months after the price of gas was only $1.67.9 (John Roberts) so after all the ranting and raving about your poor decision (that you knew would happen) you settle on what you really wanted in the first space, around $2.59.9 a gallon (New Supreme Court Nominee) and all the sheep will be happy and think you're a god, and you're as happy as a clam at high tide.

Trust me, George has a 'guy' lined up (and has had) that everybody will just love (or hate) but he or she will look so good after Harriet that they'll approve him (or her) by popular knee jerk!

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