Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Excuse Me Whilst I Ramble

The level of government waste, abuse and just plain stupidity is too great for me to keep up with and that’s just on the local level.

Every now and then I have to say something or I'll explode.

Today’s “Object de Scorn” ... ... ... None other than the OHSU tram (which rhymes so well with scam).

Some moron up at OHSU decided that an overhead tram would help solve parking issues up on Pill Hill.

They conducted a study to see what kind of support such an idea might garner. They found they had minimal support at best. But this is Portland Oregon, so we press forward and get bids to build this thing.

Winning bid, $15,000,000.00. So now we’re going to build this tram that the majority of people that have to pay for it, will never ride and didn’t want in the first place.

To me, that’s like telling a guy, “Hey, I’m going to punch you in the face. It’s going to cost you $15,000,000.00, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Be prepared to pay up!”

Now remember, we’re in Portland Oregon where a firm construction bid of $15,000,000.00 means … … … NOTHING!

So we (the taxpayers) are now looking at $55,000,000.00 if there’s any hope of finishing this thing. Apparently there is no penalty to the winning contractor for being SO far off with his bid. That throws up a little red flag.

On top of our initial cost, (did I mention this is Portland Oregon?) once this albatross is built, it will require a staff to run and maintain it. Just as with MAX, this is a formula for large chunks of lost revenue and like MAX you can bet your hobby horse that here in Portland Oregon, we will find a way to run that bad boy at a significant deficit.

The new “threat” is if we stop this project now it will cost the taxpayer’s $20,000,000.00. Yeah, so? That beats the hell out of $55,000,000.00 plus large daily lost revenue upon completion, plus yearly operating expense. BAIL!

Just a heads up to Randy Leonard and Eric Sten et al., when I entrust my investment counselor with my money, he knows it’s his ass if he looses it. When I entrust government officials with my tax money, I feel the same way. I like to see a quality return on my money not how fast a group of idiots can squander it.

Best be packing your bags boys, your rein of stupidity isn’t going to last much longer. I believe the voters have had just about enough.

Have a nice day!

1 comment:

Localfella said...

Don't forget the OH&SU complex is a nightmare in itself and built atop of Oregon's most dangerous earthquake faults which will turn to dust when the predicted Big One hits.