Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hey! Where's the free cheese?

Really, a bunch of inflammatory comments are not what’s needed. Logic and intellect are now more scarce than ever in both our state and national government and we can use all we can get. It’s time for the Republican Party to take an exciting new direction.

The Republicans need to present their ideas in a way that the guy on the street can understand like the Democrats do, “You say you’re poor, we’ll give you free stuff.”

Anybody can understand that and who wouldn’t vote for someone that promises free food when you’re hungry?

What the common man on the street doesn’t seem to get is that as soon as he’s back on his feet and makes a nickel, Teddy wants to take 3/5 of that nickel. It doesn’t take long to understand that it’s better to be poor and just be ‘on the dole’ than work like a slave and still be poor.

The Republicans need a way to show the guy on the street that long term planning and fiscal responsibility are what’s best for everyone. A very difficult task for sure, but I believe we can do it.

We clearly did not have an adequate plan going in to this election cycle. The party wasn’t behind one gubernatorial candidate early enough in my humble opinion. The effect that Mary Starrett would have was underplayed and as much as we loved Ron, he came across as a bit of a one trick pony.

As for Teddy, he didn’t really do anything last term I believe mainly because he didn’t have the horse power to get all of the taxes pushed through that he wanted. As any good manager knows, the best way to fix something is to throw money at it. That of course would be more of YOUR tax money. Well, he has the horsepower to get in your wallet now.

I know it would be a wonderful world where everybody gets to sit around and eat the government cheese, but somebody has to get off their ass and make it.

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