Wednesday, September 14, 2005

What good is worldwide exposure if you don’t say what’s on your mind?

With respect to whatever god you worship and acknowledging that it is your right to do so, let’s get ready to ruffle some feathers.

As I mentioned, I am a Populationist. I am not a Rhodes scholar by any stretch, but I don’t believe you have to be to see the writing on the wall. I saw it over 30 years ago. What you do have to do is acknowledge that writing and do something about it. Be responsible, take action.

I have 1 biological offspring by choice. At this time in my life it is likely that having even one child was a selfish thing to do. While his life to date hasn’t been too effected by the growing number of people on the planet, it will be in the coming years.

We are in a conundrum without a real solution at this time in our planet’s history. We have abused our natural resources and in spite of the fact that most intelligent people know that there are a finite amount of resources on the planet, we continue to populate it with more and more people.

GENERALLY, Intelligent people have fewer or no children at all, knowing that overpopulating the planet is not right for a lot of reasons. The children that Intelligent people have tend to be intelligent, well-educated children, but sadly their numbers are dwindling.

On the other hand, the poor, drug affected, criminally minded, under or uneducated tend to make babies like there's some sort of a contest to see who can have the most. These people GENERALLY produce more uneducated, criminally minded offspring with no regard for society or the future of the planet.

There is another factor contributing to this monumental problem. The religions that continue to support the creation of large families with the view the ‘God’ will provide. Well here’s a little news flash, God isn’t making this planet any bigger or replenishing the natural resources that we have drained off.

Approximately 10 years ago I read a study that showed that had we gone to zero population growth globally at that time, we would have about fifty years until this planet was in a serious, irreversible water shortage. So much so that there will be global anarchy much like we’ve seen in New Orleans. I don’t have to tell you, we didn’t go to zero population growth. Fact is, we grabbed a lower gear and continued to increase the herd at a record pace.

I try to appeal to the intelligent among us to come up with a solution, but the fact is, the logical solutions are seriously frowned upon by large religious groups that also vote. Furthermore, anyone suggesting such tactics is called a Nazi.

I am constantly amazed that instead of doing the right thing, our leaders just do what the polls say the people want even if that means the certain destruction of our planet.

When I say destruction of our planet, what I really mean is the total annihilation of all life on the planet. This planet has been here in space for many thousands of years before Man walked on it. It will be here long after we have successfully killed ourselves and every other living creature on it.

It will spin in space lifeless, slowly replenishing itself over the course of many thousands of years until some other species takes up residency. Hopefully they will be more intelligent and intuitive than we.

I am a middle-aged man so I don’t expect to live to see the worst that it will get. If I were 30 years old or younger, I would be seriously concentrating on a solution because if we don’t do something soon, there’s going to be some real unpleasantness.

Hint: Desalinization plants are not the answer. If you start sucking up the ocean you’re going to see some real weather, climate and habitat problems.

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