Sunday, February 19, 2006

Intelligence Has Limits - Stupidity Knows No Bounds!

Dubai Ports World / America's Security

This morning Chris Wallace was on the local Fox channel talking about this company, Dubai Ports World. Dubai Ports World is an United Arab Emirates company.

It seem that there is a deal in the works that allows Dubai Ports World to buy and control 6 major ports in the United States, those being:

New Orleans
Baltimore and

Here's the really exciting news - This deal apparently has the blesssing of the Bush administration - WHAT??

Let me get this straight - We want to turn all operations including PORT SECURITY over to a country that has vowed to destroy Israel.

Now just because these guys have built a Snow Ski Resort in the middle of the desert, doesn't mean they can be trusted with our national security. It's kind of like letting the Fox guard the Hen House.

I'm I going senile or didn't we all agree that potentially the best way to get a dirty bomb into this country was in a container? Now we're going to turn over our first line of defence to ... ... ... Oh C'mon! You've got to be kidding!

Dubai Ports World - Go ahead and check 'em out. I'm sure they're just a swell bunch of guys (and gals). They even have a "kids" area on their site.


1 comment:

Daniel said...

Just don't publish any cartoons about them or they will blow up our ships.