Wednesday, February 01, 2006

SPECIAL ALERT! NBC to mock the Crucifixion of Christ

Today I received an email from the American Family Association Chairman, Donald E. Wildmon, which is fine because I subscribe to their email newsletter. I believe for the most part we're on the same page.

I also believe that we should choose our battles and not just blather about the inconsequential, as it tends to distract from those important things that really need our support. The problem of Illegal Aliens comes to mind.

The topic of this urgent bulletin was, they need me and everyone I know to send a letter to NBC requesting they pull the April 13 episode of Will & Grace because it somehow offends Christians. I believe it only offends those Christians unfortunate enough to be born without a sense of humor and the ability to reason.

Is it just me, or does Donald E. Wildmon need to lighten up just a bit.

If we were talking about late term abortions, over population, Illegal Aliens and the like, you know I’m on board, but it’s a sit-com. Hello!

This is the last season for Will & Grace. They are done because they are done, not because of poor ratings. The show could probably go another 2 or 3 years because of it’s fan base, but they are hanging it up because they believe the show has run it’s course.

Will & Grace have dominated their time slot with edgy humor and unique plots that are not always my cup of tea, but I’m not their demographic. I support the show because I feel, if you don’t like it you can change the channel and I do. I think the average Will & Grace viewer is smart enough to understand that this show spoofs everything and everyone and harms nothing and no one. It has two straight guys playing gay guys – C’mon!

Another recent thorn in Donald’s side was NBC’s 'The Book of Daniel.' I watched a couple episodes of The Book of Daniel. I think if they’d named it something other than 'The Book of Daniel,' Donald E. Wildmon wouldn’t have gotten so worked up about it. I know Donald would like to think he and his organization had something to do with the cancellation of 'The Book of Daniel,' but as is happens, it was just a really lousy show. I watched (what I could of) a couple episodes to see what all the hub-bub was about. I found very little HUB and NO BUB whatsoever! It was clear this show was doomed to run out of gas fast. They had a good cast, but the plot just nose-dived.
Maybe if the Priest had been a Rabbi…

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