Tuesday, April 25, 2006

No More Milk for Me - Thanks!

The following is a fax I sent to Mr. Jim Krahn of the Dairy Farmers of Oregon and Mr. Jay Gordon of the Washington State Dairy Federation in response to the letter written by Mr. Krahn and Mr. Gordon to their "Fellow Dairy Producers" in regards to the upcoming May 1st work walk-out by the Illegal Alien work force. The intent of which is to show us greedy Americans that we really can't get by without ILLEGAL workers - HAH! See the letter by CLICKING HERE.

Dear Mr. Krahn,

I am appalled that you and your organization condone the blatant violation of the laws of the United States of America by hiring and backing criminal immigrants from Mexico.

I am a law-abiding person, and you are not. Anyone aiding and abetting a criminal in the process of committing his (or her) crime is also a criminal.

Am I to understand that not only do the Dairy Farmers of Oregon condone such actions they participate as well? That would make the Dairy Farmers or Oregon a Criminal Organization!

I don't know if my not buying dairy products from Oregon will have an impact, but that is what I am going to do.

I don’t know how my Cheerios are going to taste without the great taste of fresh Tillamook milk on them in the morning, but I look forward to finding out as the thought of using a product produced by unpatriotic criminals would make me sick anyway!

God Bless America!

Regrettably Fresh Milk Free,
Greg Dawson
Greg Dawson
A working legal citizen.

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