Sunday, April 23, 2006

Rally - April 22nd

The folks that gathered at the Mexican Consul General's office on April 22nd to protest the invasion of Illegal Aliens into America were well organized, peaceful and respectful of the neighborhood. We got our point across (again) and garnered the attention of hundreds of motorists and MAX / bus riders.

Kudos to all of you that attended and my personal thanks. It is just terrific when a group of like-minded people come together to defend a just cause as important as this.

Please take note of this and do your part to support it…


There is no question that we have been invaded by millions of illegal aliens. Mexican flag waving marchers by thousands have shown their disdain for our laws, our flag and our sovereignty. There is no question that the government of Mexico has aided, abetted and encouraged the invasion.

Advocates for illegal aliens have set May 1st as a day in which they will boycott American businesses, walk off the job and leave school. They want to try to cripple America in order to intimidate Congress into giving amnesty to current illegal aliens and to further eliminate any boarder between the United States and Mexico.

We need to stand up for America! Beginning May 5th we urge every American citizen to boycott Mexican restaurants, Mexican beer, Mexican vacations and trips into Mexico.

The boycott will last until our borders are secured and the Mexican government fully joins in stopping illegal immigration across our southern border.

Only when Congressman Tom Tancredo verifies that our borders are secure and that the Mexican government is cooperating will we end the boycott.

Buy American beer, vacation in Hawaii, South America, Europe, Canada, eat in Italian, Thai, French or Indian restaurants. It is a small sacrifice to make for our children’s future.

Pass this on to friends, neighbors and other organizations.

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